Crying Can Be Good For Your Mental Health

Shedding a few tears can actually be helpful 

We all feel the need for a good cry now and then, especially when times are hard or we are experiencing bouts of sadness. Crying usually comes with a negative connotationso many of us tend to hold back our tears in fear of appearing weak or sick. But, did you know that crying can actually be good for you? 

“Holding in our feelings and emotions can be detrimental to both our mental and physical well-being,” said Jessica Haurin, LPC, Program Therapist, Adolescent Supportive Housing. “Crying is a way of expressing ourselves and the hurt we are feeling, so allow yourself to sit with those emotions and experience them. Emotions frequently change and it’s important to remember that as well. 

Here are 4 benefits to having a good cry now and then: 

1.Endorphins. With a good cry, you are releasing this calming chemical in your body.

2. Support. If others see you crying, they will realize you are hurting and offer to help and support you in processing your grief. 

3. Rest. Crying activates the parasympathetic nervous system which helps your body rest and digest. 

4. Release. After you have a good cry, you may feel less stressed or sad. Releasing the tears helps! 

close up woman brown eye crying tear

If you are experiencing intense sadness, anxiety or suicidal thoughts, help is available through our Counseling & Wellness Centers. Call our main number at 844-4-ACENDA (844-422-3632 x9500) for more information about our counseling and telehealth services.   
