Self-Care Strategies for All Ages

Woman practices self-care by going on a solo hike on a beautiful trail.

Everyone is in need of a little self-care, no matter your age. Whether you’re getting ready to take your first final of college, recovering after your child’s fifth birthday party, or coming home after a long day at the office, you deserve a break and some time to rejuvenate. We’ve compiled a list of the best ways to practice self-care for the ages - all the ages.

Why is it important to make time for self-care during the holidays?

For many people, the holidays are a time to be spent with family and friends, enjoying one another’s company. However, with all of the togetherness and joint activities often comes tension and exhaustion. Anyone can be affected by this stress, no matter their age, making the holidays contentious and trying.

Rather than let yourself be dragged down by these feelings, it is important to know your limits and set aside time for self-care throughout the holiday season. We have compiled a list of ways for people of all ages to rejuvenate and relax, in preparation for all the family dinners and outings that come with the season.

Kids practice self-care by getting outside and playing a game with their friends in the woods.

Children and Adolescents:

Playing a Game Outside: Taking some time to spend outside with friends or by themselves can help your child to use their energy in a positive way and get some fresh air. By playing outside, they are exercising and getting some good old Vitamin D to brighten their spirits.

Watch a Favorite Movie: Sometimes all your child needs is a little rest, and a good movie night is a great way to do so. Get them snuggled up with a blanket and a snack to watch their favorite movie, alone or with others, as a way of calming them (while giving yourself a break for a few hours).

Set Up a Reading Challenge: Reading is a great way to relax and make time for yourself away from others. While it can be difficult to get children into reading, setting up a reading challenge may be the persuasive tactic you need. Ask them to choose a series they are interested in and for every book they finish, they can pick out a small piece of candy or their favorite snack from the pantry. This will encourage them to spend time alone and unwind, while they work towards a treat they will enjoy.

Young Adult and Middle Age:

Go for a Hike: Getting outside is a great way to make time for yourself and practice self-care. Going for a hike requires you to use a lot of your body and muscles, forcing you to focus on the task ahead rather than anything that might be bothering you at home or work. If you don’t have access to hiking in your area, check out local walking trails or parks to get some time outdoors.

Revitalize Your Diet: Your diet can be a difficult thing to control, especially with the rising cost of groceries and the impact of food deserts - areas with limited access to healthy, affordable food. However, the food you eat can have a big impact on the way you feel, physically and mentally. Take the time to reconsider what you eat day to day and perhaps try out some new, affordable recipes to diversify your diet and ensure you are keeping your body healthy and happy.

Take a Day Trip: While vacations can be expensive and time-consuming, a day trip is an easy way to explore a new area on a budget. Pick a town that is within a two-to-three hour driving distance of your home and identify five activities you want to do while you’re there. Then pick a day and go explore! Embarking on a day trip is a great way to take you out of your house and away from your everyday tasks and comforts.

Older Adult and Seniors:

Practice Yoga: Yoga may seem like a young person’s exercise, but it’s actually great for all ages! The benefits of yoga include improved flexibility, stronger spine and joint health, reduced stress, and enhanced balance and strength, all of which are highly important the older we get. Chair yoga is a low-impact, accessible way to practice yoga that reduces the stress on your bones and joints.

A group of older women practice self-care by taking a chair yoga class.

Do a Puzzle: As we get older, mental stimulation is an important part of keeping our minds active. Trying out a new puzzle is a great way to work your brain and have a creative outlet. If you aren’t a fan of puzzles, a word game, crossword, Sudoku, or trivia would be equally great at allowing you to take time for yourself and utilize your mind.

Read a New Book: With the millions of different books from around the world, there is always something new to read. Picking up a new book can teach you something you’d never have known, transport you to a new world full of adventure, or even help you connect with others over their love of the story. Whether you choose to read classics, fantasies, historical fiction, or research documents, trying out a new book can help you to practice self-care through relaxation and mental stimulation.


Making time for yourself and practicing self-care is a way to let your mind take a break from the chaos of work, family obligations, and any other stress you may experience. By participating in one of these activities, you can set aside a little piece of your day for relaxing and unwinding. Whatever the holidays bring, be sure to make time for you, as a holiday treat to yourself!

Check out Acenda's blog for more tips on improving your mental wellness!

About the Author

Riley de Jong, Communications Strategist at Acenda, attended the University of California – Los Angeles for her undergraduate degree in Communication and minor in Entrepreneurship. She enjoys supporting her community, telling engaging stories, and connecting with others.