2020 International Self Care Day

Take Care of YOU...Today and Every Day

July 24 is International Self Care Daya time to reflect on ourselves and our overall well-being.  Though there is a single day that marks the importance of taking care of ourselves, we must practice self-care 365 days a year. 

“Practicing self-care doesn’t just mean taking a bubble bath or applying a facial mask once in a while, there’s a lot more you need to do,” says Jessica Haurin, LPC, Program Therapist, Adolescent Supportive Housing.  “Self-care is about taking time for yourself, and doing things that benefit the mind, body and spirit. It’s about staying healthy and happy.”  

Here are 7 things you can do for your self-care and overall good health: 
man doing a back stretch

1. Prioritizing exercise. Take a walk or jog or go for a hike.

2. Take breaks. Making it a priority to take breaks throughout the day to eat a healthy meal/snack, call a loved one for a short conversation, or practice mindfulness.

3. Sleep is important. Try to get at least 6-8 hours of sleep a night. It’s important to reduce your caffeine intake and shut off electronic devices for a more peaceful sleep.

4. Be present for your family and friends. It’s easy to get distracted by the computer, TV or phone. Take some time to “unplug” and be available for conversation and connection.

5. Knowing your professional boundaries. Become more comfortable saying no to additional tasks. Also recognize the good moments in work and with clients and feeling grateful for small successes.

6. Remember to relax. Clear your schedule and do nothing or do something just for YOU. This might mean picking up a good book, trying out a new recipe, or taking a nap!

7. Put yourself first. When you're pulled in many directions, it can cause stress. Learn to feel comfortable about doing things that make YOU happy, which might mean not always being available to do things for others.

Taking care of yourself should be something you do every day of your life. Be mindful of your lifestyle choices and do the things that you know are best for you. If you feel your stress and anxiety are not dissipating even while practicing self-care, you may need some additional support. Our clinicians are available to help with a wide array of mental health care and support. Call our main number at 844-4-ACENDA (844-422-3632 x9500) for more information about our counseling and telehealth services.

