The Power of Resilience

How Resilience Can Help Transform Your Life

"To me, I define resiliency as an amazing ability to develop protective factors and strength to get through life. Resiliency is developed through one's life, unfolding from one's unique life circumstances," explains Beth Weiss, M.S.,NCC, LAC, LCADC, Program Director, Healing Hearts and Minds.

In the face of total disaster, some people remain calm while others unravel. This ability to cope with problems is resilience in action.

"The good thing is that resilience is a skill that can be learned. And it’s a good thing to have in the face of difficult times, because it enables you to muster the strength to pick yourself up and carry on in the face of adversity," says Nancy Adams, MSW, LSW, Program Director, Keeping Families Together.

Here are 5 quick tips for becoming more resilient:
  • Hold a positive view of yourself and your abilities
  • Make realistic plans and stick to them
  • Focus on the things you CAN control
  • Practice good communication
  • View yourself as a fighter rather than a victim
"The most resilient people are those that have been through trauma, hardships, and challenges. It takes these hardships to develop resiliency. Often after going through these things, and effectively processing these events through therapy or other means, it then transforms the individual into a resilient human. In effect, the ability to get through tough times is called positive adaptation. So, experiencing trauma, then positive adaptation of the trauma results in resiliency," Weiss says. "As a therapist, I will often point out resiliency to the clients I serve. Resiliency will help the individuals turn distress into hopefulness. self-assurance, self-efficacy, optimistic emotion and higher self-esteem."

So, for today, know that you are worthy. You are important. You are strong. You are resilient!

If you or a loved one are suffering from mental health struggles or familial issues, clinicians in our Counseling & Wellness Centers are here to help.

Call our main number at 844-4-ACENDA (844-422-3632 x9500) for more information.