COVID-19: A Disappointing Time for High School Seniors
With COVID-19 altering our way of life, being a senior in high school is rough right now. What should be an exciting time for them, has turned out to be somewhat of a nightmare.
Adjusting to online classes, while beloved high school events, such as senior prom, graduation and celebratory parties are being canceled—these kids are having a hard time of it!
“For these seniors, the realization that they may have walked through the doors of their schools for the last time is now starting to sink in,” said Bridget DeFiccio, Senior Vice President, Integrated Health, Acenda. “This, and knowing that there are other events that they may have to miss, can cause anxiety and even depression for them.”
To get through this turbulent time, here are six tips high school seniors can follow to make things a bit easier:

- Schedule a specific time each day to complete your assignments.
- Stay in touch with your friends through social media, texting or phone calls. This will help you remain connected to others.
- Get some exercise either at home or outdoors, but remember physical distancing. This will boost your mood and relieve stress.
- Use this time to clean and organize your room.
- If planning to go away to college, create lists of things you will need for your dorm room.
- With others, plan a virtual graduation celebration if physical distancing will still be required.
Alicia Day, Supervisor, School-Based Clinical Services, Acenda, added, “These seniors are feeling kind of lost and sad and really need their family’s support. Now is the time to connect with family members, both near and far through Skype or Zoom. Look at old family photos and discuss heritage or make a family tree. Communication is also imperative during this time. As everyone is experiencing a full range of emotions, it is important to be able to openly share thoughts and feelings, support one another and respect each other’s experiences.”
If you sense your senior is feeling some anxiety or even depression, talk to them about it. Working through their issues and concerns is always a great help. If you feel your teen might need more assistance, our clinicians are available to help during this uncertain time via our telehealth services.