
Creative Resources for Families Remaining Safe at Home

Creative Resources for Families Remaining Safe at Home

Physical distancing has made it difficult for families to keep busy, as many plans outside of the home have been cancelled. To keep families and communities connected during New Jersey’s stay at home order, staff from our eight Family Success Centers (FSCs) are sharing virtual activities for fun at home.  

“The FSCs are finding creative ways to stay connected to their community during this time of physical distancing,” explained Cari Burke, FSC Program Director. “The staff are sharing videos as well as a calendar of virtual workshops and activities. These include family fun activities, child development activities, health and wellness, career prep, financial literacy and much more.”

In addition, the FSCs are sharing up-to-date resources through Facebook and their websites with the community so that they are well informed and able to continue to meet the needs of their family during this time of uncertainty.  

Below are some videos from several of the FSC Facebook pages:



“We continue to be available by phone and email and will continue to provide information individually to those who may need it. The teams are staying connected to providers so that we are well informed and can continue collaboration any way possible,” added Burke. 

Click on the links below to view each center’s Facebook page:
FSC Website Facebook Phone Number
Bird's Eye www.birdseyefsc.org Bird's Eye Facebook (856) 517-9100
Connections www.connectionsnj.com Connections Facebook (856) 562-5927
Mosaic www.mosaicfsc.org Mosaic Facebook (856) 347-4338
Oceanside I www.oceanside1fsc.org Oceanside I Facebook (609) 236-8800
Oceanside II www.oceanside2fsc.org Oceanside II Facebook (609) 594-4990
Orchards www.orchardsfsc.org Orchards Facebook (856) 513-8829
Oasis www.oasisfsc.org Oasis Facebook (609) 994-0200
Riverview www.riverviewfsc.org Riverview Facebook (856) 517-0029
Shore www.shorefsc.org Shore Facebook (609) 778-6226


For more information about our Family Success Centers, click here.