Understanding Mental Healthcare and Strategic Leadership


February 24, 2021 

For More Information Contact:
Cassandra Boyce
Director of Development & Marketing
844-422-3632 x9500

Understanding Mental Healthcare and Strategic Leadership with Dr. Anthony DiFabio 

Acenda President & CEO featured on The Opposite Entrepreneur Podcast 

GlassboroNew Jersey Dr. Anthony DiFabio, the President and Chief Executive Officer of Acenda Integrated Health, joins us on The Opposite Entrepreneur podcast. Dr. DiFabio is an industry leader who focuses on organizational strategy and strategic development on both a state and national level. 

What The Opposite Entrepreneur - Podcast Episode 23 

Who Dr. Anthony DiFabio, President & CEO, Acenda
Mike Regina, Owner & Host, The Opposite Entrepreneur  

When February 17, 2021 

Where: https://www.mikeregina.io/023-understanding-mental-healthcare-strategic-leadership-dr-anthony-difabio/ 

Details:  Dr. DiFabio’s willingness to take on a challenge head first allowed him to orchestrate the merger of Robins’ Nest, Cape Counseling Services, and NewPoint Behavioral Health Care to form Acenda. His dedication to reach the masses and innovative healthcare brought his company of 40 employees to 800. 

On this podcast, Dr. DiFabio will express the importance of dedication to executing your goals, social entrepreneurship, and how to be a leader. 


About Acenda Integrated Health  

Acenda Integrated Health is a nonprofit organization dedicated to industry-leading prevention, treatment and wellness services compassionately delivered to ensure that every individual, family and community achieves their greatest potential. Acenda is at the forefront of community-based services, providing over 100 health and social service programs at 60+ locations throughout a 12-county region in New Jersey. For more information, visit acendahealth.org. 

The Opposite Entrepreneur 

Mike is an entrepreneur, a philanthropist, a family man, a team player, and a leader who thrives on observing the masses and doing the opposite. Mike’s entrepreneurial journey started when he launched a car wash and detailing business in high school. He understood at a young age that working for others would put him in a box and be a lid on his achievements. Additionally, Mike recognized that delivering a great product and service with a smile and a genuine interest for each client was critical to a successful business. For more information, visit www.mikeregina.io