Integrated Case Management Services

Integrated Case Management Services

  • Counties served:


  • Focus:


The Integrated Case Management Services (ICMS) are available to all eligible clients with the intent to eliminate barriers to service regardless of location (in catchment areas) and cultural or linguistic orientation. The ICMS program includes targeted case management services.

ICMS assist clients to reach and maintain their optimal level of functioning in the community.

  • Empower clients to exercise their basic right to obtain a quality of life in the community of their choice.
  • Through individualized treatment, maintaining the highest level of functioning, and ongoing stability.
  • Clients will reside successfully in the community and have a support system in place that enables them to receive optimal benefits from available community resources.

Referrals for ICMS may come from multiple different sources: from within Acenda, psychiatric hospitals, Emergency Screening Services, the community service providers, shelters, outreach throughout Gloucester County, and through community gatekeepers that may identify individuals at risk, and in need of linkages to behavioral healthcare services, or the homeless mentally ill clients who need services.

Priority admission will be given to:

  • Individuals who have a serious and persistent mental illness primarily: Schizophrenia, Psychotic Disorders; Major Depression, Bipolar Disorders, Delusional Disorders, Schizoaffective Disorder, and Severe Personality Disorders if at High Risk of hospitalization.
  • Individuals admitted to a State, County, Diversion, or STCF bed in a psychiatric hospital.
  • Individuals who have two or more Psychiatric Screening events within a 30-day period.
  • Individuals who could benefit from community services and support is limited and their welfare may be threatened without such services. Clients living independently, with family, and in boarding homes who are not receiving necessary services.


+1 (844) 422-3632