Spice Up Your Fall with These Tricks and Treats!

Who’s ready for sweaters, s’mores, falling leaves, crisp apples, and everything pumpkin? Fall is the season for all your senses. The feeling of cooler air, the taste of pumpkin spice, the smell of smoke from a bonfire, and the sounds of the leaves crunching under your feet is among us.

Fall symbolizes maturity, change, preservation, and balance which makes it the perfect time to check in with yourself. During this transition from Summer to Fall, take time to be still and refocus your energy.

Here are some ways to get a fresh, energizing start to the fall season, and of course it’s important to plan some fun too!

Journaling. Fall is a great time to reflect on your summer adventures. Journaling reduces stress and helps you record and remember your experiences and memories.

Design a new menu. With different seasons, comes different seasonal fruits and vegetables. Revamp your menu and try some new inspired dishes.

Change your exercise plan (or start one). Summer is over and the days are getting cooler and shorter. This is a good time to change up your exercise program. You may be used to walking in the evenings in the summer, but now there is less light, maybe you want to try walking in the morning or trying a new workout video instead. Make sure the program fits your style and schedule.

Clean up your space. It’s time to put the swimsuits away and make room for hoodies and sweaters. Organizing and decluttering is a great way to have new, positive energy. Organize areas from you workspace, to your kitchen cabinets, to your closets and storage areas.

Make some time for the fun with family and friends.  Here a few ideas of some easy. low cost ideas to enjoy the fall season:

  • Go on a hay ride
  • Make a scarecrow
  • Make a homemade wreath
  • Have a bonfire
  • Learn a new hobby, maybe knitting scarves and hats
  • Visit a corn maze
  • Make homemade soup
  • Roast chestnuts. Recipe here.
  • Decorate your home, inside and out
  • Take a drive or hike and enjoy the changing colors of the leaves.
  • Host a Friendsgiving
  • Take a pie to a neighbor
  • Go apple picking
  • Carve a pumpkin and roast the seeds

Making time for family activities strengthens emotional bonds, improves communication, and creates lifelong memories. Be sure to visit one of Acenda's Family Success Centers to participate in free family activities in your community.