
Tag: Ask Acenda

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I’ve Already Broken My New Year’s Resolution. Now What?

With a new year, many people feel that this is the time to make a fresh start with positive... Read More

Will technology ruin my child’s development?

Dear Acenda, I've been experiencing quite the case of the terrible two's with my son lately, and it's becoming... Read More

Is my child reaching appropriate developmental milestones?

Dear Acenda, My daughter just celebrated her first birthday! While this is an exciting time, I can't help but... Read More

When and how do I talk to my child about their adoption?

Dear Acenda, My husband and I adopted our daughter 6 years ago, and as she's nearing her 7th birthday,... Read More

How do I keep my kids safe on social media?

Dear Acenda, My daughter recently turned 13 and we got her an iPhone for her birthday. She keeps asking... Read More

Outpatient vs. Intensive Outpatient

Dear Acenda, My sister is being discharged from a 30-day rehabilitation program in 2 weeks, and her doctors have... Read More

Birth Center Vs. Hospital: Finding the Right Fit For You

Weighing the Pros and Cons of Birth Centers vs. Hospitals Congratulations—you're in the home stretch of your journey to... Read More

What should I do if my child hits, kicks, or bites?

Dear Acenda, I thought the terrible twos were behind us, but my son is now 5 years old and... Read More

What should I do if my child’s grades are dropping?

Dear Acenda, Heading into 2021, my child's school is continuing a combination of online and in-person schooling amidst the... Read More

What is the Appropriate Age to Get My Child a Cell Phone?

Dear Acenda,  The only item on my son’s holiday wish list this year is a cell phone! He’s been asking... Read More

What Should I Do If My Child is Being Cyberbullied?

Dear Acenda,  My daughter has just turned 14 and is entering high school as a freshman this year. In response... Read More