Recovery Outpatient

Recovery Outpatient

  • Counties served:

    Cape May

  • Focus:


If you find yourself dealing with substance abuse, trying to face challenges alone can be overwhelming. There is help, and its right in your community.

Acenda offers a full range of services at the outpatient level to address abuse and addiction chemical issues with both the adolescent and adult population in Cape May County. The goal of care is to intervene in the progression of the disease of addiction in an atmosphere of compassion, safety and understanding. These clinical services include drug and alcohol awareness classes, outpatient one day a week recovery groups, intensive 9 hours a week group counseling, and weekly relapse prevention groups. For those who need a higher level of care in a residential setting, a placement specialist will assess, place and follow-up with in care individuals who need detoxification, residential rehabilitation and half-way house services. This placement service is dedicated to remove the financial barriers in accessing care so that treatment is available and affordable.

Click hare to view 5 frequently asked questions concerning Acenda’s substance and recovery services in Cape May.

For more information on recovery services available in Cape May County, please call our main number at 844-4-ACENDA (844-422-3632 x9501).


+1 (844) 422-3632