
Tag: Bullying

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How Teens Can Cope with Anxiety

4 tips for teens with social & school anxiety For a teen struggling with anxiety, the so-called blissful high... Read More

How to Reverse Negative Self-Talk

Treat yourself with respect, reverse negative self-talk, & transform your life It's been said many times in a variety... Read More

2021 Reading Challenge: Books About Mental Health

Join us in reading one book about mental health a month Is reading more books on your goals list... Read More

What Should I Do If My Child is Being Cyberbullied?

Dear Acenda,  My daughter has just turned 14 and is entering high school as a freshman this year. In response... Read More

Stop the Name-Calling, Let’s All Get Along!

Stop the Name-Calling, Let’s All Get Along! We all are familiar with the expression, “sticks and stones may break... Read More

Bullying Prevention Month

Bullying Prevention Month School is back and the season is in full swing. By now, children have adjusted to... Read More