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Adult Counseling & Therapy Services

At Acenda, we understand the unique challenges of the modern world. It can be tough balancing family, friends, work,...

Certified Community Behavioral Health Clinic (CCBHC)

EXPANDING CARE TO THOSE IN NEED Acenda’s Certified Community Behavioral Health Clinic, or CCBHC, provides individualized care and wrap...

Child & Teen Counseling & Therapy Services

We want to ensure all children and teens can learn, grow, and develop to realize their fullest potential. Childhood...

Family Connections

The Family Connections Program provides intensive in-home services including concrete supports such as home management, budgeting, skill building, advocacy,...

Family Counseling & Therapy

Qualified Acenda staff work with families to better parenting skills and offer community resources for their children to receive...

Family Outreach

Family Outreach Program is an in-home therapeutic program, providing family-centered interventions to parents and children, psychoeducation, support, advocacy and...

Family Outreach II

The Family Outreach II program provides in-home counseling, skill building, life skills training, resource education, and assistance for families...

Gloucester County Prevention Program

Gloucester County Prevention Program provides short term case management and support for families living in Gloucester County that have...

Healing Hearts & Minds (HHM)

Healing Hearts and Minds (HHM) is a free and voluntary program that helps parents with pre- and post-substance use...