
Tag: Happiness

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How Does Social Media Affect Teens?

Social Media May be More Harmful Than Helpful for Teens The pros and cons of social media for teenagers... Read More

Embracing Therapy & Support for the New Year

Let's step into 2024 with a positive focus on what truly matters—YOU. This year, prioritize your mental health and... Read More

The Power of Positive Affirmations

Let's Elevate Your Morning Routine In the fast-paced world we live in, starting your day on a positive note... Read More

Being Kind Brings Meaning to Our Lives

Being Kind Brings Meaning to Our Lives “No act of kindness, however small, is wasted.”  —Aesop Kindness is more than... Read More

Are Dating Apps Bad for Your Mental Health?

The coronavirus pandemic has made many long-lasting impacts, including changing the way we interact and socialize. Although we are... Read More

Positive Effects of Gardening on Mental Health

Sometimes you need to just stop and smell the roses. As you tilt your head down towards the buds... Read More

Impact of Mental Health for Millennials

Did you know that millennials, or those born between 1981 and 1996, are sometimes referred to as the “burnout... Read More

How to Escape a Negative Mentality

Don't Give Up! The phrase "Don't give up!" is easier said than done, especially when struggling with mental illness.... Read More

Accepting Help & Support

Asking for Help is a Sign of Strength A mental illness diagnosis can be difficult come to terms with.... Read More

Gratitude and Your Mental Health

'Tis the Season to be Thankful November is National Gratitude Month! Gratitude is known as the appreciation of someone... Read More

With Kindness Comes Brightness

World Kindness Day 2021 After the past year and a half, we need kindness now more than ever. This... Read More

The Power of Resilience

How Resilience Can Help Transform Your Life "To me, I define resiliency as an amazing ability to develop protective... Read More